/pol/ - Politics

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Re/pol/ Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)23:52:30 No. SJJH4TZ3 [Report]

>Politics board on ReChan

File leftcom cat.png (55.44 KB)
Anonymous 08/19/22(Fri)01:46:37 No. OCLZKWPT [Report] >>JN9E895Q

>>SJJH4TZ3 (OP) average political poster on here

Anonymous 11/16/22(Wed)02:26:23 No. JN9E895Q [Report] >>Y56HDAUI

>>OCLZKWPT We haven't had a Left-Com in RE in centuries.

File the fundamentals of revolu(...).png (60.70 KB)
Anonymous 11/18/22(Fri)19:05:06 No. Y56HDAUI [Report]

>>JN9E895Q There are many of us in the shadows

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