/pol/ - Politics

For Political Discussions


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R: 1
The Western World
Who is a 'Westerner'? Does it go back to the Great Schism, the Cold War, or something else?
R: 3/ A: 2
>Politics board on ReChan
R: 5/ A: 1
Political Compass Thread
No Reddit memes
R: 2
MAGA Communism
Is it a Psyop or not? PATSOCs gone wild?
R: 4/ A: 1
Hoi4 Fascists
There's so many dorky fascists that just exist, It's painful. Every single one of them think they're going to lead some grand fascist revolution but they can barely hold a convo with a girl.
R: 2/ A: 1
RIP My Man
The Internationalist Jew Xi Jinping fucking annihilated my man. However I'm not an antisemite as I know that the Catholics killed the baller Gaddafi and not the Jews.
R: 1
What ever happened to Ancaps? Are they all still boosting the NAP somewhere?
R: 3
Reading Marx
Should I just open Capital and start reading or is there some kind of secondary literature I need? I've read the first chapter of Vol. 1 and it's pretty difficult but supposedly it gets easier. Also, post your hot Marx takes. Marxologists not welcome.
R: 2/ A: 1

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