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professional shitposter 07/30/22(Sat)17:42:25 No. KUAWCBM0 [Report]

Hello. I have attached an image below to help introduce myself to everyone on this image board. it is very informative and should not be taken lightly.

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)17:50:14 No. 0IS1I5JH [Report]

>>KUAWCBM0 (OP) Whale cum

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Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)18:28:36 No. YWMB5298 [Report]

>>KUAWCBM0 (OP) bingus detected, initiating containment

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not kai 07/30/22(Sat)17:43:17 No. QYE7ZL9B [Report]

this is totally my first time posting here yes take this image

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)17:46:38 No. K09WR4V4 [Report]


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cheeseburger 07/30/22(Sat)17:44:37 No. P16JWE60 [Report]


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Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)17:46:12 No. EVR6LCEW [Report]

>>P16JWE60 (OP) can I have chez burger plz?

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I hate this lag Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:41:43 No. 1Z1JRKBJ [Report]

I don't know why but I'm getting 500-1500 ping on Teamspeak whenever I join. I have a wifi extender which used to help but now makes no difference. Yes, I've tried resetting my router and no I'm not torrenting anything.

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:49:36 No. X868TU5T [Report] >>OWX4N277

>>1Z1JRKBJ (OP) Have you tried shutting off all processes other than Teamspeak?

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Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)15:41:13 No. OWX4N277 [Report]

>>X868TU5T let's give it a go

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Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)15:04:32 No. CSSZLT37 [Report]

Accurate modern-day facial reconstruction of Napoleon

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)15:37:37 No. E3B5TJ3V [Report]

>>CSSZLT37 (OP) you fib

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Hearts of Iron 4 Night Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:23:24 No. 8W0YE4R6 [Report]

Where did it go, I miss it. Stellaris is all there is now but I miss the hoi4.

7 replies, Click here to view all.
Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:41:55 No. B4PRJ97M [Report] >>6UERA0OP

>>8W0YE4R6 (OP) Vichy III will never live up to Vichy II until the 12th DLC

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:43:32 No. CPY052X4 [Report] >>6UERA0OP

>>8W0YE4R6 (OP) I would've organized one last night but lag + tired

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:48:29 No. 6UERA0OP [Report] >>3P00I19S

>>B4PRJ97M It'll be great on launch, I have faith. The war mechanic will be fun as fuck. >>CPY052X4 It happens we where supposed to watch mask of light last night as well which we can do sunday.

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:54:35 No. 3P00I19S [Report] >>L4G0WHYK

>>6UERA0OP I don't have any faith in PDX

Anonymous 07/30/22(Sat)14:56:53 No. L4G0WHYK [Report]

>>3P00I19S Yeah but remember what happened to imperator where they tried to make the game playable via DLC and everyone just didn't buy it.

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