>>KUAWCBM0 (OP) Whale cum
Hello. I have attached an image below to help introduce myself to everyone on this image board. it is very informative and should not be taken lightly.
this is totally my first time posting here yes take this image
>>P16JWE60 (OP) can I have chez burger plz?
I don't know why but I'm getting 500-1500 ping on Teamspeak whenever I join. I have a wifi extender which used to help but now makes no difference. Yes, I've tried resetting my router and no I'm not torrenting anything.
>>1Z1JRKBJ (OP) Have you tried shutting off all processes other than Teamspeak?
Where did it go, I miss it. Stellaris is all there is now but I miss the hoi4.
7 replies, Click here to view all.>>B4PRJ97M It'll be great on launch, I have faith. The war mechanic will be fun as fuck. >>CPY052X4 It happens we where supposed to watch mask of light last night as well which we can do sunday.
>>3P00I19S Yeah but remember what happened to imperator where they tried to make the game playable via DLC and everyone just didn't buy it.
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